Swami Rama of the Himalayas is an authority in the field of Yoga.
These Himalayan yoga practices prescribed by Swami Rama and Guruji Pattabhiram form the foundation of our Hatha Yoga workshops. Our objectives are:
This is our ongoing daily Himalayan Yoga Practice class in our Bengaluru center You will practice systematically as taught by Swami Rama and Guruji Pattabhiram.
We offer regular workshops to deepen your practice
In Himalayan Yoga tradition, Breath has been given the utmost importance for the simple fact that Breathing has a direct impact on our nervous system and the whole functioning of the mind. In this workshop,
Building on Prana Vidya Basic, we go into the concept of Prana which is subtler than Breath.
This workshop is built on a holistic approach to Stress Management.
Our Holistic approach blends principles of Ayurveda and Yoga. Through our Ayurveda consultations and counselling methods, we identify