In Himalayan yoga tradition, Patanjali Yoga Sutras form the foundation for a Holistic approach of Joyful Living. Patanjali Yoga Sutras are often viewed either in scholarly or Hatha yoga perspective. However, the 196 aphorisms of Patanjali present a comprehensive human integral science.
- Swami Rama says, we are citizens of two worlds - inner and outer. The wisdom from Yoga Sutras help us build a bridge between these two, anchor ourselves in the inner world and be skillful and wise in the external world.
- Guruji Pattabhiram passionately spread the message of Yoga Shastra all his life. For him, Patanjali was not just a sage that lived 2500 years ago, rather an intense living energy that must be brought into our living rooms, bed rooms, kitchens, yoga studios, office desks, board rooms, meeting rooms and what not.
- Guruji brought Patanjali into each of his student’s life context. Whatever may be the problem a student brings, he would use a sutra of Patanjali to solve it. For him it is as easy as solving a Math problem by using a formula.
- He demonstrated Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s practicality for modern life and how we can have "Joyful Living" soaked in Freedom and Harmony.
It is our sincere intent to spread the message of Patanjali Yoga Sutras to people from all walks of life and especially enable Yoga teachers to grasp the wisdom of Yoga sutras.
Joyful Living Series of workshops present the wisdom of Patanjali Yoga Sutras as taught by Swami Rama and Guruji Pattabhiram. You will be exposed to a unique way of learning and applying yoga sutras in your life.